Tuesday, October 23, 2012


by Owen Navarra


Pageant observers say that Nicole is one of the Philippine representatives that is most ready to conquer the Miss International arena. By the time she arrived in Japan, she was followed by photographers, one of the many indications that she was one of the most appreciated candidates. Come pageant night, she gave out one of the most convincing speech that any level-headed panel of jurors would hard put in not choosing her to be the winner. But she did not. How did this happen?

Throughout all the pageant activities, Nicole was a latina personified. Her German ancestry plus her Australian upbringing and probably her training under personal mentor all pointed out to a latina vibe and projection. However, a lot of people were surprised that on pageant night itself, the night that would have mattered most, Nicole despite her projection donned attire with very conservative colors and a hairdo that is reminiscent of the 80’s. Her styling was horrendous so to speak. The color of gown does not suit her. She is more resplendent with red or green colors. That probably spelled her doom despite the very excellent delivery of her speech.


The Miss International Beauty Pageant is already 52 years in existence and it is only now that they crowned a Miss International from their own country. For the past 51 years, people were witnesses to many Japanese candidates who were really beautiful but did not make it as the winner. When the contest were done in Chinese soil in the previous years that could have been the chance that the Japanese could have crowned a compatriot but they did not. They opted for this year since they had a candidate that excellently delivered a meaningful speech. Although it was probably a difficult decision since it took the Japanese judges quite a time to deliberate on the winner. More so, coming from the heels of the questionable choice of Miss China as the new Miss World 2012 which was done also in home soil, the complex decision is like hara-kiri to the Japanese. 

Personally, as a pageant observer, the Japanese prototype for their Miss International was really far from their choice this year. They have veered away from the doll-like choices they had in the past. Is the Japanese taste changing? Or has the Japanese organizers learned from their counterpart countries wherein they do not have qualms of choosing a compatriot to win in their native soil. Beats me, but from the looks of it, Miss Japan would be a very good Miss International for all intents and purposes. 

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